Mark 1:22 – January 12, 2021

The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. Mark 1:22 NABRE           

Jesus takes His ministry to Capernaum, a small town on the north east shore of the Sea of Galilee, a sort of home base for Jesus and His disciples. Capernaum has a synagogue and Jesus enters it teaching the people. Mark stresses the awe of the people at Jesus’ teaching because He speaks with authority. His teaching is compared to the scribes who are known to be experts in the Mosaic Law. Scribes are basically copyist and having spent much time making copies of the law know it very well. But this passage makes us wonder if they understand the reason and purpose of each law. Jesus on the other hand knows the purpose and reason of the law and can speak to what is important and why. If He is sharing scripture or law Jesus stresses the underlining purpose. We see this when Jesus is asked what the most important command is and He responds saying love God and love others. All God’s structural guidance through law is to guide us toward caring for others and ultimately loving others. Jesus speaks with authority as one with definitive interpretation of the meaning of the scriptures and the people are astonished. Jesus also provides healing and miraculous occurrences. His authority and His healing lead people to follow Jesus when they meet Him.

We too are called to understand the definitive purpose and meaning of the scriptures, so we can guide people toward Jesus. Simply stating laws without understanding does not convey the love God has for each of us. Laws are what people use to guide an entire society toward the good of the society. Love is what God uses to help people grow toward their best life. 

Do you spend time in scripture? Are you able to convey the meaning of God’s good news? 

Laws are what people use to guide an entire society toward the good of the society. Love is what God uses to help people grow toward their best life. Share on X

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