Luke 1:76-78 – December 19, 2020

And you, child, will be called prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our Gods by which the daybreak from on high will visit us Luke 1:76-78 NABRE           

Zechariah the father of John the Baptist has become animated after living without speech for almost the entirety of his wife’s pregnancy. Naming his son John fulfills the pronouncement from the angel Gabriel to Zechariah in the Sanctuary of the temple. At this fulfillment Zechariah proclaims a canticle that praises God and announces the savior to come. Zechariah also speaks of the role of his son John to be a prophet for God, going ahead of Jesus, announcing salvation and forgiveness of sins. He announces God’s mercy and that God Himself will visit us. Scholars teach that using the word “daybreak” translates from the Greek to mean rising. In Hebrew the word translates to branch, as in “See, days are coming-oracle of the LORD- when I will raise up a righteous branch for David;” (Jeremiah 23:5) The branch and the one rising is Jesus, the God-man incarnate who comes to bring freedom to all people, teaching us of the love He has for all of us. Zechariah announces his son will be the one who announces God’s Son. 

The entire history in the bible is a story of God’s relationship with humanity, His plan to send His Son, demonstrating His love for His creation. People hear of God, learn they are God’s favorite and despite how they may fail, God always finds a way to move them closer to Himself. God’s desire for our intimacy is foremost in His interaction with His creation. We can read in scripture how God’s plan slowly evolves until today we can look at history and see God is love. 

Are you aware how much God loves you? Do you welcome God’s love?

God's desire for our intimacy is foremost in His interaction with His creation. We can read in scripture how God's plan slowly evolves until today we can look at history and see God is love. Share on X

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