Psalms 8:4-5 – December 14, 2020

When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you set in place-What is man that you are mindful of him, and a son of man that you care for him? Psalms 8:4-5 NABRE           

This psalm focuses attention on the great work of God, the creation of the universe and humanity. It begins by acknowledging before God His majesty in heaven and on earth, it proclaims how God makes His glory manifest, by making His power shine through man’s weakness and by looking after man and endowing him with a dignity similar to His own, the psalm ends in praise. The humble people who acknowledge God look with this sense of wonder and awe, that God the creator of the universe, should focus on humanity and take special care for all people. God gives man dominion over all things, allowing him to share in God’s authority. Man is established in God’s image. It is common that those who are humble will see an “image of God” comparison extraordinary because they view God with much more grandeur and power. However those who claim their own power, tend to reject God and not see the universe with wonder and awe. If we spend time away from the busyness of our life we’ll easily take in the beauty of nature and can come to an idea that this great beauty and complexity required a creator with incredible intelligence. 

We also get a sense of His compassion providing all life needs to live. Just one example, the slant of the earth, tilted at an angle of twenty-three degrees, produces our seasons. Scientists tell us that if the earth had not been tilted exactly as it is, vapors from the oceans would move both north and south, piling up vast continents of ice. Every decision of God has similar implications. As the psalm declares, God is [so very] mindful of man.

Do you comprehend the attention God pays to you? Are you worthy of God?

If the earth had not been tilted exactly as it is, vapors from the oceans would move both north and south, piling up vast continents of ice. Every decision of God has similar implications. As the psalm declares, God is so very mindful of man. Share on X

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