Luke 5:26 – December 7, 2020

Then astonishment seized them all and they glorified God, and, struck with awe, they said, “We have seen incredible things today.” Luke 5:26 NABRE            

Luke tells a story of a man who is paralyzed and his friends carry him to a home where Jesus is preaching. There is no room to bring the man to Jesus through the entrance so they carry him to the roof and open tiles to lower him on his stretcher in front of Jesus. Jesus seeing the man and the faith he and his friends have forgives him his sins. Many who had come to hear Jesus speak were religious leaders from around the area, including the temple in Jerusalem. They were whispering to one another about Jesus forgiving sin, accusing Jesus of blasphemy, as God alone can forgive sins. Jesus aware of what they are whispering challenges them, asking is it easier to say your sin is forgiven or rise up and walk. So to make His point Jesus tell the man to rise, pick up his mat and go home. The man left glorifying God and we read those in attendance including the religious leaders were astonished and also began glorifying God. This is in fact the result Jesus is always seeking. Through His message, His miracles and His presence, Jesus desires God be glorified. Glory is providing dignity, honor, praise, it is a radiant splendor, it is acknowledging God’s greatness and bending to God’s greatness through supplication and worship. 

Knowing God is great and has the power to achieve anything we should live our lives pointing to God and giving God glory in all we achieve and even in our failures. God desires His creation love Him and know that He loves us. Today we don’t see many miracles like one described but we still get a sense of God’s presence in our lives and we should acknowledge that presence by glorifying God. 

How do you acknowledge God? When you glorify God do others see?

Today we don't see many miracles like the ones described in the gospels but we still get a sense of God's presence in our lives and we should acknowledge that presence by glorifying God. Share on X

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