Luke 15:7 – November 5, 2020

I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. Luke 15:7 NABRE           

Luke shares Jesus’ parable of one lost sheep. Jesus tells a parable after He hears Pharisees and Scribes complain about Him spending time with tax collectors and sinners about the joy that will be felt if just one sinner changes their way and repents. The parable is rather famous, Jesus asks who would not leave ninety-nine sheep to find one lost in the desert. Jesus explains the shepherd will look for the lost sheep until the sheep is found. We can imagine having if we lose one child we only stop looking for them when that child is found. Jesus says when the shepherd finds the sheep he places it on his shoulder and returns with great joy. Using this parable Jesus says there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents. This is a source of great joy for not only God but for everyone who is in heaven. This is how the kingdom of God is, people are joyful for those who repent and turn back to God. There is no jealously, or contempt, the joy for one repentant is great for all in the kingdom of God. There is no joy in the death of a wicked person, God always prefers that sinners turn from their way and desires to be a faithful follower of God. 

As followers we need to learn this message of joy for others. We need to celebrate other’s victories, rejoice when they rejoice and even show compassion when they are feeling loss or alone. Love requires we help everyone find their way back to God. Our life is never more important than others, especially if they are walking the wrong path and need to change, at this time Jesus the Good Shepherd is seeking them all the more. 

Are you sometimes jealous of others? Are you able to celebrate others victories?

As followers we need to learn this message of joy for others. We need to celebrate other's victories, rejoice when they rejoice and even show compassion when they are feeling loss or alone. Share on X

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