Romans 3:25 – October 31, 2020

whom God set forth as an expiation, through faith, by his blood, to prove his righteousness because of the forgiveness of sins previously committed, Romans 3:25 NABRE           

Paul is writing about the righteousness of God. It is something that we cannot obtain on our own, it must be passed onto us from a divine encounter. But as Paul explains this encounter requires our salvation because we have a sinful nature. When we are of sin we cannot obtain the glory of God which requires righteousness. When Paul speaks of God’s glory it is often future tense, some point in the future when we reach immortality, but we can live in such a way that God makes us righteous allowing us to live for the glory of God. This is how Jesus lives, all His life and works were out of obedience to God and by so doing God was glorified and makes Jesus righteous. We read God set forth an expiation, initially through the Jewish atonement ritual; a priest sprinkles blood on a sacrificial lamb and it is sent out into the wilderness, taking the sins of the people, the people are expiated and forgiven. Jesus death on the cross does the same for all humanity, while the atonement ritual is required annually, Jesus’ sacrifice is once and forever. The crucifixion of the Messiah is a public demonstration of God’s righteousness. Through it God fulfills His covenant, which is a blessing on the entire world. All past, current and future sin is forgiven; God is righteous by His saving deeds and through faith in Jesus Christ makes His righteousness available to those who believe. 

Though we are naturally selfish and sinful God understands our nature and makes a path for us to be righteous. We see the message of Jesus, follow in faith and righteousness can be ours. We can glorify God by our life and draw near to God’s glory. 

Are you aware of your sinfulness? How do you seek forgiveness?

All past, current and future sin is forgiven; God is righteous by His saving deeds and through faith in Jesus Christ makes His righteousness available to those who believe. Share on X

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