Joel 2:23 – September 20, 2020

Children of Zion, delight and rejoice in the LORD, your God! For he has faithfully given you the early rain, sending rain down on you, the early and the late rains as before. Joel 2:23 NABRE           

Joel writes poetically how God manifests His presence among His people, arriving with the trappings of power. The prophecy is designed to make the people conscious of the Lord’s transcendence and power in order to bring about a change of heart; only God can chastise them and in doing so bring about a change of heart. The first part speaks about the end times, how things will go dark and the world shake. The section ends with a general exhortation to conversion, the prophet is making an appeal on behalf of God. Central to the warning, which is important for conversion to last, is God’s compassion and humanities sincere determination to change. The second part is about salvation, the Lord’s compassion is shown by the message he sends via the prophet to the people in response to their conversion. He encourages them, telling them they have no reason to be afraid. The Lord is going to deliver them from their afflictions and provide them with every sort of earthly good. God will provide pastures of green flowing with grain, trees bearing fruit and vines that give full yield. God will send the rain to make the earth rich. God provides so much the children of Israel delight and rejoice. The dry time ends, there will be rain as rich as the earth has ever seen.

The Israel people recognized signs from God to know of God’s chastisement and God’s compassion and mercy. We today don’t see signs so clearly but God is still reaching out to us through the Word of His Son and through the Spirit, so we too will know of God’s compassion and reward. Be open to what is going on around you, God speaks clearly for those who listen. 

Do you see God’s signs? Are you open to the mysteries of God?

We today don’t see signs so clearly but God is still reaching out to us. Be open to what is going on around you, God speaks clearly for those who listen. Share on X

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