Luke 7:47 – September 17, 2020

So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; hence, she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little. Luke 7:47 NABRE           

Jesus is invited to a religious leader’s house for a meal. While there a woman who is a sinner comes to wash and anoint Jesus’ feet. We get a view into Simon the host’s thinking; we read Jesus could not be a prophet because he would know this woman was a sinner and not let her touch him. But Jesus uses it as a teaching on forgiveness. He asked who is more grateful when their debt is forgiven, the one who owes five hundred days wages or the one who owes fifty days wages. Jesus turns to the women and forgives her sin. She has many sins and this forgiveness will be greatly appreciated, much more than someone who has only a few sins that are forgiven. Jesus uses the exaggeration of debt to make His point, the more you own the more you will appreciate being forgiven of all debt. Jesus points out this woman has great love. In searching out Jesus and showing love for Him when no others did at the dinner she gives a great gift to Jesus. This gift makes her love grow deeper. Eventually Jesus tells her, go in peace, your faith has saved you. This woman is rich in faith and now has a chance to turn her life around, she is born again anew. 

This is how our encounter can be with Jesus. We can’t go to Jesus and physically wash His feet, but whatever we do to the least we do for Jesus. It takes great strength and faith to serve others, especially those who are in great need. If we help those in need, we are helping the body of Christ and hence Christ Himself. Our faith is strong, our love is strong and Jesus tells us to go in peace. 

How do you serve Jesus? Do you forgive others as Jesus does here?

If we help those in need, we are helping the body of Christ and hence Christ Himself. Our faith is strong, our love is strong and Jesus tells us to go in peace. Share on X

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