Luke 4:36 – September 1, 2020

They were all amazed and said to one another, “What is there about his word? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out.” Luke 4:36 NABRE           

Jesus had been teaching in and near Capernaum, an area north of Jerusalem near the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus spends a majority of His ministry time. The people were astonished by His teaching as they recognized He taught with authority. While preaching in the synagogue there was a man with an unclean spirit, a demon. As Jesus approach the demon cried out, what have you to do with us, do you come to destroy us? It is rather common when Jesus appears before a person with a demon or an evil spirit the spirit recognizes immediately that Jesus is the Holy One of God. These demons or spirits are powerless before Jesus but they none-the-less express awareness of Jesus’ mission. They know He has come to destroy the power of evil. The spirit either sees Jesus as prophet or priest but clearly as someone who has a mission and is sent by God. In this case as in most cases Jesus rebukes the spirit, He commands it to be quiet and expels it from the man. Jesus never wants a demon or spirit to reveal who He is before it is the proper time. In this encounter the people who have witnessed this are amazed and ask one another, “What is there about His Word?” They recognize Jesus has authority and power to command spirits and they are compelled to listen to Him. Of course the word continues to spread about Jesus authority in word and deed.

The word of Jesus has power, and we have access to this Word. We should spend time in prayer with the messages from Jesus, the gospels especially. If you read the scripture in prayer God will reveal the Word to you, for your healing and casting out of evil.

Do you spend time in the Word? Have you been touched by the Word?

We should spend time in prayer with the messages from Jesus, the gospels especially. If you read the scripture in prayer God will reveal the Word to you, for your healing and casting out of evil. Share on X

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