Revelation 3:19-20 – August 14, 2020

Those whom I love, I reprove and chastise. Be earnest, therefore, and repent. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, [then] I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:19-20 NABRE           

We read in Revelation Christ’s message to the seven churches. In the message to the seventh church, Laodicea, we have a particularly useful message. We learn the motive for Christ’s stern words; I reprove and chastise those whom I love. Christ desires a relationship with us, this is incredible. He goes on to tell us that when He knocks it is so that He can come and have a meal with us. To be welcomed into a home and to have a meal with someone or their family is a very powerful image of intimacy. In Middle Eastern culture a meal indicates a relationship of trust and friendship. I think it is the same thing here in the USA when inviting someone into our homes for a meal. Christ wants to come in and eat with us and us with Him. Christ knows, we may think we are fine and have all we need, but we do not have the most important thing. He invites us to have everything we need; strong faith, righteousness and an anointing from the Holy Spirit. It is with these moments of grace that we are connected to the God of love. When we “know” love completely it is all we want. We desire to be immersed in love and to return love completely. Nothing else satisfies. Christ offers us love, but we have to open the door when He knocks. The image of knocking on a door, should make us think of Jesus knocking at our hearts. He wants to give love and to accept love in return.

Christ cannot make it any clearer, we must respond to what He offers. The Lord will not push Himself into a life, He invites and we must accept the invitation. 

When Christ knocks how do you respond? Who do you dine with?

Christ cannot make it any clearer, we must respond to what He offers. The Lord will not push Himself into a life, He invites and we must accept the invitation. Share on X

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