Luke 12:6-7 – August 9, 2020

Are not five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the notice of God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:6-7 NABRE           

Jesus teaches on genuine discipleship, contrasting it to the hypocrisy of the Pharisees who He denounces. Jesus recognizes the religious leaders care more about their own power and pride than God or His people. Jesus declares nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secrets unknown. Everything you have say secretly, whisper under your breath will be declared boldly and loudly. Jesus tells those listening that they should not fear their own death but fear the one who can throw them in Gehenna. The example Jesus provides is that sparrows seem inconsequential, but to God they do not escape notice. We are each so well known by God, He knows the number of hairs on our head. We are worth much more than the sparrows. We often think what we do is not noticed, we hope that God does not see all that we do, we especially hope God does not know all that we think or the evil that may be in our hearts. We are flawed, we have a sinful nature, and so we can easily disregard people and things that are important to God. We think we are good Christians following Jesus and being disciples that make Jesus proud. 

But if that were true Christianity would be growing, not declining. We have become people who point our finger at others saying they are wrong, and somehow think we do incriminate ourselves. It is not enough to be pro-life if we don’t care about immigrants, if we don’t visit the prisoner, we don’t care for those who will be evicted because of COVID-19. Going to church is a show if we do not live the full depth and breadth of the gospels.

Who does Jesus denounce today? Are you a true disciple?

It is not enough to be pro-life if we don't care about immigrants, if we don't visit the prisoner, we don't care for those who will be evicted because of COVID-19. Going to church is a show if we do not live the full depth and breadth of the gospels. Share on X

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