Philippians 2:10-11 – July 13, 2020

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11 NABRE           

Paul writing about Jesus may be using a hymn he knew expressing Jesus humility and God’s glorification. Jesus is the example of humility and Paul expresses this in several versus. He writes, Jesus humbled Himself, He took on the form of a slave, though He was the form of God, He did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Paul expresses Jesus is terms of the most humble person we could ever meet. It is surprising to hear this because Paul didn’t really meet Jesus, that we know of, and yet he speaks of Jesus’ humility with awe and love. Jesus’ humility had to have such a powerful effect and lasting impression on people that Paul hears about it from others who spoke about Jesus, the events of His life, the acts He performed and how He lived. In other words Jesus must have had a profound humble demeanor, one that left people speaking about it long after He returned to His Father. Paul tells us it is because of this humility and His obedience to the Father that Jesus is greatly exalted by God, truly glorified. In fact just the mention of Jesus name causes everyone to bow in honor of Jesus. Paul writes every knee bows in heaven and on the earth. Close your eyes and imagine every knee, everywhere bowing for Jesus, the Lord, the glory of God. I imagine even the animals bowing at the mention of Jesus Christ.   

Humility is difficult, we all have a nature where we want to be honored, to be proud of our accomplishments, to be complimented, to be independently exercising our own free will. Well, it seems if we seek glory in life, the glory of God will be saved for others.

Who do you know who is humble? Do you let humility guide you?

Close your eyes and imagine every knee, everywhere bowing for Jesus, the Lord, the glory of God. I imagine even the animals bowing at the mention of Jesus Christ. Share on X

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