Psalms 40:2 – March 5, 2020

Surely, I wait for the LORD; who bends down to me and hears my cry, Psalms 40:2 NABRE         

This psalm is a joyous song of David when he has returned to full health. It is a special new song describing David’s unrelenting faith which he renewed and refreshed. The early verses of the psalm indicate David is at the height of his bliss. Yet later verses indicate all was not well, that David is aware of many dangers and he is sorely in need of deliverance. David recalls the many previous occasions when God came to his rescue. For David God was real, He is one who grants victory by endowing humanity with spiritual fortitude allowing us to withstand earthly tribulations. We see the unique power of David to extract joy from the depths of adversity. The quoted verse speaks of hope and a trust in the Lord. We do not possess sufficient goodness to be redeemed yet God is willing to bend down and help, hearing the cries of those who have sufficient faith in Him. It is trust in God that leads to our cries being heard. God has shown many times that He will bend down from the heavens to lift up lowly man. The Israelites have this hope when they cry out to God from Egyptian slavery. God hears their cry and sends Moses their savior. God hears the cry of each of us, trapped in a nature that leads us to sin, separating us from God, yet we hope and cry to God for salvation. Again God sends a Savior who walked among humanity and obeys God, lowers Himself taking the form of a slave and dying to demonstrate the love and redemption God has for all of us.

Trusting in God, as we read David has done in this psalm, allows our cries for help to reach the hearing of God who bends down low to lift us up. Trust in God, have faith and of course have hope in God who seeks us even when we are lost.

Do you have joy and hope in God? Do you cry to God trusting He will help?

Our cries for help to reach the hearing of God who bends down low to lift us up. Trust in God, have faith and of course have hope in God who seeks us even when we are lost. Share on X

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