John 15:2 – January 27, 2020

He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit. John 15:2 NABRE     

John writes a fairly long farewell discourse from Jesus. It includes a passage where Jesus declares He is the true vine and His Father is the vine grower. Jesus goes on to say His Father takes away every branch that does not bear fruit, and prunes every branch that does bear fruit so it may bear more fruit. This passage perfectly depicts the Father as the vine owner that we see other places; the Lord is the vine owner, who plants and cares for the vine. We read, “You brought a vine out of Egypt; you drove out nations and planted it.” (Psalms 80:9) Israel is depicted as the vine and God the vineyard owner who takes care of the vine and ensures it is healthy and growing. More specifically we read, “The vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, the people of Judah, his cherished plant;” (Isaiah 5:7) The people of Israel were not a perfect vine, but Jesus is perfect. As the true vine Jesus is completely obedient to the Father’s will. And the disciple who lives in communion with Jesus is a branch united to the vine and is called to practice the same obedience as Jesus. Disciples who bear fruit will be pruned, or cleansed, it is a purifying through the word, which they have embraced. This pruning will produce more fruit and the vine will grow for all to be a part.

Of course for the branches to bear fruit they must remain attached to the vine. For the disciples to produce works of love they must remain in communion with Jesus. The life of the gospels comes through connection to Jesus and through Jesus to God. He, is the true vine, perfect in every way, our source of all life and love. Remain connected to the vine, otherwise you will be lifeless.

Are you on the vine? Do you need pruning?

The life of the gospels comes through connection to Jesus and through Jesus to God. He, is the true vine, perfect in every way, our source of all life and love. Share on X

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