Isaiah 33:22 – December 7, 2019

For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he it is who will save us. Isaiah 33:22 NABRE     

This prophecy of Isaiah is a lament, then prayer for hope and finally the restoration of Zion. It begins with a pronouncement against a “destroyer” likely Assyria, or Babylon or some other enemy of Israel.  The prophet alternates between distress and hope for the manifestation of God. The people pray God will be revealed and terrify all enemies. But they also see the destruction as divine punishment, bringing desolation felt by the inhabitants of Jerusalem.  However only sinners have to fear in Zion, the virtuous will be saved. Finally the main theme has to do with the restoration of Jerusalem. The prophet gives his imagination free rein and prophesizes a huge country that is ruled directly by the Lord. A country serene, at peace, devoid of pride. Jerusalem will be a luxuriant place, well-watered, where everything will function because the Lord will be the ruler. As we read in the quoted verse, the Lord is our judge, our lawgiver, our king and He will save us. With the Lord we all will live in peace, serenity and without pride. It is a foreshadowing of the Kingdom of God that Jesus wants to usher into the world. Jesus proclaims a kingdom where the least in human eyes is the most important in God’s eyes. Where all are part of a body and no part is greater than another part, all parts are important. When one part succeeds all parts rejoice, when one part is hurting all parts are suffering. The kingdom Jesus describes is dependent on God as the ruler, king, lawgiver and savior.

If we want peace, serenity and a lack of pride, we must let the Lord rule, our churches and hearts. The Lord rules, we must trust and follow. Have faith, God’s way is best and will save us. 

Is God your ruler? Are you able to follow the law of the Lord?

If we want peace, serenity and a lack of pride, we must let the Lord rule, our churches and hearts. The Lord rules, we must trust and follow. Have faith, God's way is best and will save us. Share on X

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