The LORD will be king over the whole earth; on that day the LORD will be the only one, and the LORD’s name the only one. Zechariah 14:9 NABRE
Zechariah is a prophet who was born in exile and returns to Jerusalem with the people to find they need to rebuild the temple and Jerusalem after the destruction by the Babylonians. He prophesizes in the section with the quoted verse that the Lord Himself will make Jerusalem and Judah strong against her enemies, He will lead the people to conversion and purification and will rule the whole world from Jerusalem, on His throne. There has been the last battle and God has intervened in person, God establishes a new order in time and creation, Israel’s enemies are punished and all nations come on pilgrimage to the holy temple. It is an “end of time” prophesy where all will come to know Jerusalem as the seat of the Lord and Kingdom of our God, it is a New Jerusalem, which is foretold to come down to the earth and make all things come to God. God Himself will sit on the throne. We will see the fulfillment of this prophecy in the Second Coming of our Lord, when He comes in glory with His angels. There will be no more seasons, only an eternal spring, no night or darkness only an endless day. Jerusalem will be the great fount of water, and from Jerusalem the Lord will rule over all the earth, the region of Judah and Jerusalem will be transformed into a huge plain where the people will dwell in peace. All this imagery is designed to express hope in the fact that God will at last establish His Kingdom in this world, and that creation itself will be wonderfully renewed in the land where the Lord dwells.
Our hope is in the Lord who made heaven and earth and who will restore order in a time He sees fit. Trust in the Lord and know He is your God.
Do you look forward to God’s Kingdom come? Do you trust in the Lord?
Hope in the fact that God will at last establish His Kingdom in this world, and that creation itself will be wonderfully renewed in the land where the Lord dwells. Share on X#bible #godisgreat #jesus #christianity #dailybibleverse @youversion #BeAnEncourager #kingdom #Lord #Zechariah #everybodyalways #god #jesuschrist #jesussaves #godisgood #dailydevotion #biblestudy #scripture #bibleverse #verseoftheday #pray #prayer #goodnews #loveeachother #godisgreat #thisVineyard #youversion #everythingalways