Isaiah 60:3 – October 20, 2019

Nations shall walk by your light, kings by the radiance of your dawning. Isaiah 60:3 NABRE     

This chapter of Isaiah proclaims the glory of Jerusalem. Jerusalem has been restored, it has a wonderful radiance, it is the dwelling place of the glory of God and from it all nations will hear about God’s salvation. The verses are a magnificent hymn that idealizes Jerusalem whose most remarkable feature is radiance from the glory of the Lord who has His dwelling place in the city’s temple. The city acts as a magnet for all nations, not only because it instructs them by means of the Law and the word of God but people are in awe because of its splendor. Pilgrims make their way to the holy city, Israelites, and others scattered across the world. We read pilgrims bring rich gifts, precious materials to reconstruct and embellish the city previously destroyed by the Babylonians. The important event is the arrival of the Lord who brings peace and light. It is such a powerful acclamation it almost seems eschatological, like a set-up for the end of time. It makes us think of the heavenly Jerusalem addressed in the Book of Revelation which speaks of a city with a great light that won’t need the sun or a light or a lamp, and whose gates will always be open. It calls for faith in a Savior, who will be the true salvation and light of the world.

People are drawn to the light, we are reminded that Christ is the light of the world. He draws all people to Himself and provides protection from the dark. If we believe in the light we will become children of the light. We are drawn into the family of God and will have life given abundantly. With the light in us we too are radiant splendor, drawing others to the light of Christ.

Do you let the light of Christ shine from you? Are you attracting others to the light?

We are drawn into the family of God and will have life given abundantly. With the light in us we too are radiant splendor, drawing others to the light of Christ. Share on X

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