Matthew 4:10 – September 19, 2019

At this, Jesus said to him, “Get away, Satan! It is written: ‘The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.'” Matthew 4:10 NABRE     

After His Baptism Jesus wanders in the desert for forty days and nights, using it as a time of prayer and fasting. Near the end of the time Jesus is approach by one called the tempter, the devil. In three different temptations the devil tries to play on Jesus’ weakened state and win a new subject. But in each of the three temptations Jesus rebukes the devil declaring we are God’s children. The first temptation is to turn stone in to bread, so Jesus could eat. The second temptation is to show off His power to save himself from falling off a temple parapet. The third temptation is to attain, things, power and kingship over all the world. Jesus uses scripture to rebuke the devil in all three cases, His faith in the Father and scripture is rock solid. Henri Nouwen (@henrinouwensociety) has a wonderful interpretation of these temptations that makes it relevant today for Jesus’ followers. He says the first temptation is a temptation telling us we are what we do. The second temptation is a temptation that we are what other people say about us. The third temptation is a temptation that we are what we have, physical things; boats, cars, houses, as well as; thoughts, opinions, judgements and beliefs. Henri says we are not what we do, or what others say about us or what we have but in fact we are the beloved of God.

Jesus’ quoted response is about prayer and worship. We are to worship God, it is foundational to prayer; believe and honor God whose love does everything for us. Our place before God is a small being who owes all to the most powerful being. Be humble and prayerful in service for God.

Are you tempted to be who you are not? Does your prayer stem from worship?

We are to worship God, it is foundational to prayer; believe and honor God whose love does everything for us. Share on X

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