Mark 11:24 – July 30, 2019

Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours. Mark 11:24 NABRE     

Faith is the right human response to God’s faithfulness. A complete trust and reliance on God including the confident expectation that God will hear and respond to our prayer. This is the expectation that Jesus had, whenever He asked, God responded. Without faith prayers are empty words. Additionally we should never lose trust in God, God has sovereignty over events, He has the solution for every tragedy, He can make even the impossible possible. Jesus indicated we should pray with utter confidence as children who know their Father hears even before we ask. When He tells us to ask in prayer He continues saying believe you have already received. The confidence of the prayer should be so real that what you have asked for will have already been given to you. However, we can’t expect that God is some kind of magical wish dispenser giving us all anything we want. The expectation of Jesus is that we will be aligned with God. Having faith means we pray for God’s will not our own. We are one in a community of believers who want so see God’s Kingdom come, not our own success or profit. Therefore when we ask we will be asking for something that is in God’s will, thus it will be good for us and the community and we will have already received it.

Any prayer response from God is all good. It can’t be good for us and bad for everyone else, this is not how God sees things. Everyone is a concern of God’s and so when we receive our answer it will include everyone, all people receive the response. God wants what is our best interest and we receive a response tempered by God’s knowledge of everything.

Do you have confidence when you pray? When you pray are you asking for your own good or the good of everyone?

Any prayer response from God is all good. It can't be good for us and bad for everyone else, this is not how God sees things. Share on X

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