The Kingdom of God – brought to life with Christ

This is the fifth and final week of a series we are calling the Kingdom of God. Jesus ushers in a Kingdom through his word and mighty deeds. He also extends the creation of the Kingdom through the mission of those he sends out. During his ministry Jesus and the apostles begin proclaiming the good news of God’s Kingdom. Proclaiming the Kingdom becomes an urgent priority. But it is a Kingdom people must seek and pray to come in fullness. The Kingdom of God transcends earthly Kingdoms even though it has no organization. But the Kingdom of God, formed here in the world leads directly to the Kingdom of heaven.

Over the last four weeks we have looked at the readings of the day and discovered several themes having a message of what is necessary for us become part of the Kingdom of God and to help the Kingdom of God become a full reality. From four weeks ago, we must follow, we must be followers of Jesus’ mission and help create new followers. Three weeks ago, we must realize Jesus came to initiate a new creation, the cross changes everything and begins the new. Two weeks ago, we must recognize all is created through Christ. Christ was there in the beginning and continues to live creating new and bringing about the Kingdom of God. Last week, we read everything is made perfect in Christ. The Kingdom of God is perfect, to bring its full reality we must be made perfect, this happens when we grow in Christ, who will make us perfect. We see the center of the Kingdom of God is Christ, realizing Christ is in us and we allow Christ to bring us fully into the Kingdom of God.

The center of the Kingdom of God is Christ, realizing Christ is in us and we allow Christ to bring us fully into the Kingdom of God. Share on X

This Week

The readings this week point us toward a message of being brought to life along with Christ. We see Abraham speaking to God about a kingdom to be spared so it may change, much as we are trying to build the Kingdom of God here and now which requires our world to change. Through the resurrection Christ has made new life available, when we commit ourselves to Christ we are brought to that life with him. We also are gifted a prayer from Jesus that calls for the Kingdom of God to come and that our lives be made perfect. To be brought to life with Christ in the Kingdom of God is our ultimate goal and our ultimate life. This readings this week point us to being brought to that life with Christ in the Kingdom of God.

To be brought to life with Christ in the Kingdom of God is our ultimate goal and our ultimate life. Share on X

The readings this week are from the Lectionary for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Genesis 18:20-32; Psalms 138:1-2, 2-3, 6-7, 7-8; Colossians 2:12-14; Luke 11:1-13. The readings guide us to know the new life brought to us in Christ and what it is like to be in the Kingdom of God.

In the first reading from Genesis we read the story of God wondering if Sodom and Gomorrah has committed such grave sins that the city should be destroyed. Abraham humbly argues with God saying if there are some good people than could God spare the city from destruction? Abraham starts at a large number of possible good people and comes to just ten, saying if there are just ten good people in the city will God spare it. God for the sake of the few good will not destroy the city. Looking at this reading from the aspect of the Kingdom of God we recognize a similar rationale. The Kingdom of God has begun in Jesus, but it is not fully realized. In fact there are likely more people outside the Kingdom of God today than moving toward the Kingdom of God. Yet, God continues to work to fully realize the Kingdom he wants for all people. In the Kingdom of God all people are brought to life in Christ. It is the only life we can fully live. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were more interested in immediate satisfaction than long term fulfillment. This seems to be how many in the western culture live today. But God continues to works to move us toward a better life. It is for the sake of the few that we have hope in the Kingdom of God being available for the many.

It is for the sake of the few that we have hope in the Kingdom of God being available for the many. Share on X

In the second reading from the letter to the Colossians Paul offers baptism in Christ as a means to be brought to life along with him. The symbolism for Paul is dying to our old self (being immersed in the waters of Baptism until we die symbolically) and then being raised out of the water with a new armor, a new coat, a new life. A life in which we are with Christ, our transgressions forgiven and our lives having a new faith in the power of God. This baptism happens physically or through some powerful experience (baptism by fire through the Holy Spirit.) Essentially it is a commitment to be a disciple of Christ and work toward the Kingdom of God. It is through Christ that we are brought to this new life with him. Our new life begins a change in us that will move us to become citizens of the Kingdom of God. This new life with Christ allows us to be fully alive, to fully live and to know our life has meaning. We will live in the Kingdom of God, eternally.

Our new life begins a change in us that will move us to become citizens of the Kingdom of God. This new life with Christ allows us to be fully alive, to fully live and to know our life has meaning. We will live in the Kingdom of God,… Share on X

In the gospel reading from Luke we read stories of Jesus teaching his disciples to pray, about persistence and about the Father. The prayer Jesus teaches of course is the Lord’s Prayer. It is a pray that begins with respect for God and it seeks the Kingdom of God to come. In the prayer we then seek our daily bread, to be forgiven as we forgive, and finally it asks God to give us the strength to avoid evil. This is a prayer many Christians say often, it is a prayer that puts God first and our needs second, but mostly it is a prayer about the Kingdom of God. In the Kingdom of God all is perfect and we have plenty to eat, we forgive when necessary and we don’t’ worry about evil. It is new life brought by Christ. The sooner we get to the Kingdom of God the sooner our lives will be perfect. We will be happy, fulfilled and our bellies full. In the Kingdom of God, everything is taken care of, even by our own hands when we need to help. When we see a need we respond. When we see hurt we seek the healing for that hurt. We are in community in the Kingdom of God, with Christ, the Father, the Spirit and each other. We are brought to life with Christ and life is full in the Kingdom of God.

We are in community in the Kingdom of God, with Christ, the Father, the Spirit and each other. We are brought to life with Christ and life is full in the Kingdom of God. Share on X

The readings from this week speak to us about the Kingdom of God and coming to life with Christ. In the reading from Genesis we see a Kingdom to be destroyed but God spares it for the sake of a few good people, much like the Kingdom of God today who has a few good people and is established to grow and bring more good people into the Kingdom. In the reading from Paul we have the message that joined to Christ we are brought to life with him. We are forgiven, made new and begin to see a new life that is fulfilling and our ultimate desire. In the gospel we focused on the Lord’s Prayer which seeks the Kingdom of God to come and has each of us as fulfilled and living well. In the Kingdom of God all comes to us through Christ and all is made for us in Christ, this includes God. We must be in the Kingdom of God to live our ultimate life.

In the Kingdom of God all comes to us through Christ and all is made for us in Christ, this includes God. We must be in the Kingdom of God to live our ultimate life. Share on X

These readings have a powerful message for the building of the Kingdom of God. We are brought to life with Christ. It is a life where we receive the ultimate, we are fulfilled, people are most important, intimacy is safe, widespread and not dirty. And we live to be exclusive to God. It is the opposite of a world full of sin. It is a paradise garden where all is well and we trust in the beauty of one another. We are brought to life with Christ in the Kingdom. It is the goal of our lives journey. We need to help bring it about by living through Christ in us.

The call for the Kingdom to come

The Kingdom of God is not a physical Kingdom, we know it is created through and for Christ. As followers we want to enter and be part of the Kingdom of God. Jesus teaches us to pray and to ask for the Kingdom of God to come. We see several examples of Jesus desiring the Kingdom of God here and now.

Jesus teaches us to pray and to ask for the Kingdom of God to come. Share on X

Jesus was asked a question by a religious leader, “when the kingdom of God would come, he said in reply, ‘The coming of the kingdom of God cannot be observed, and no one will announce, ‘Look, here it is,’ or, ‘There it is.’ For behold, the kingdom of God is among you.’” (Luke 17:20-21) The Kingdom of God is among you is Jesus message, it began with him and his message. We have the message of Jesus to create the Kingdom of God more fully. If we follow the message and accept new life brought with Christ we can ourselves be a presence of the Kingdom of God. But of course until it is fully realized we must always work toward the Kingdom come. We can’t announce it, or point to it, we will realize it when we are living in it. So it is no longer something to look for but a presence to be within.

The Kingdom of God is among you is Jesus message, it began with him and his message. Share on X

Jesus was asked about wealth and how hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the Kingdom of God. Peter says, “We have given up our possessions and followed you.” He [Jesus] said to them, ‘Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God who will not receive [back] an overabundant return in this present age and eternal life in the age to come,’” (Luke 18:28-30) The commitment given toward the Kingdom of God will be returned in abundance now; in other words we will begin to live in the Kingdom of God now when we sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Jesus is telling his disciples they will live the ultimate life today for all their commitment to him and the work of the Kingdom of God. We cannot have a better life than will be afforded to us when we work toward the Kingdom of God. Though the world looks at our sacrifice and giving as foolish, especially giving away what the world considers important. We also see in Jesus response a direct bridge from the Kingdom of God being lived today to the Kingdom of Heaven to come in the future. Both Kingdoms are given to those who sacrifice for the sake of Jesus message.

The commitment given toward the Kingdom of God will be returned in abundance now; in other words we will begin to live in the Kingdom of God now when we sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Share on X

Again Jesus is teaching and he gives a lesson based on the fig and other trees. He says, “When their buds burst open, you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near; the same way, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. Amen, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place.” (Luke 21:30-32) Jesus is speaking about new life, as we discussed above, we are brought to new life with Christ. In this happening we begin to bud and show new life, sharing the message of Jesus, and a Kingdom where all is beautiful. The Kingdom of God is near but it is also within us who believe. Jesus went on to tell them they would not pass away without seeing these things taking place. His meaning; Jesus message begins the Kingdom of God, his resurrections brings new life with him and the disciples go on to spread the message of Jesus and spread the Kingdom of God further. Those listen will see the beginning of the Kingdom of God. As we have said the Kingdom of God is not fully realizes but it is within and among us. We work to continue its growth but we also enjoy its presence today.

Jesus message begins the Kingdom of God, his resurrections brings new life with him and the disciples go on to spread the message of Jesus and spread the Kingdom of God further. Share on X

Finally we read Jesus message at the Passover meal he shares with his disciples the night before his crucifixion. It is an offering of a new covenant, one that is made through Jesus body and blood, one we should recognize and do in his memory. Jesus begins, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer, for, I tell you, I shall not eat it [again] until there is fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 22:15-16) An early fulfillment of the coming of the Kingdom of God is Jesus resurrection. He goes to the cross, dies and Easter morning is brought to life and us with him. This is a fulfillment in the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom has a major fulfillment in defining new life for all who are with Christ. This fulfillment is also a promise through the defining of the new covenant that we are all welcome in the Kingdom of God. We are asked to break bread and share wine in memory of Jesus. It is a means to bring the Kingdom of God and invite others to the memory of Jesus. We remember Jesus in the Kingdom of God, his message, the commandments we must follow to love God and love others, and we remember his life, death and resurrection as the initiation of the Kingdom of God. With Jesus the Kingdom is among us, in Christ the Kingdom is within us. We are to remember and bring the Kingdom of God to others. God will never destroy this new Kingdom, it is a covenant and has begun to be fulfilled.

An early fulfillment of the coming of the Kingdom of God is Jesus resurrection. He goes to the cross, dies and Easter morning is brought to life and us with him. This is a fulfillment in the Kingdom of God. Share on X

We desire that the Kingdom of God come but we see that it is already among and within us. We see if we sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom we will be over abundantly blessed within the Kingdom. When we receive new life with Christ we become a sign of the coming of the Kingdom, our new life displays the Kingdom. Finally we now have a new covenant of the coming of the Kingdom, Christ resurrection, a fulfillment in the Kingdom of God. A major sign of new life with him for us and any who commit to this new life.


The Kingdom of God

Through this series we have looked at the coming of the Kingdom of God. We are called to proclaim the Kingdom as committed members of the kingdom. We do so by repenting and changing to a life of other-centeredness, we must have faith, and we must rely on God.  We discussed how to enter the Kingdom of God; we must be reborn from above, we must choose to be a follower, we must seek the Kingdom with the innocence of a child. We looked at what the kingdom of God is like, Jesus way of giving us examples. It is where everyone is great, it begins small and grows into something with great influence and attracts many, it is hidden within and grows around the world and its growth takes time but its value is worth everything we have to possess it. Finally we discussed the coming of the Kingdom. It is among and within us, if we sacrifice we will receive it in abundance, through our new life with Christ we are a sign of it coming and we are people of a new covenant who live in the kingdom through Christ’s resurrection. The Kingdom of God is here and it is coming. We must work to show it now and work to bring it to fulfillment.

The Kingdom of God is here and it is coming. We must work to show it now and work to bring it to fulfillment. Share on X

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