Exodus 14:14 – June 1, 2019

The LORD will fight for you; you have only to keep still. Exodus 14:14 NABRE     

God through Moses has convinced Pharaoh, the most powerful man in the world at the time, to let the people of Israel leave Egypt. The Israelites pack up and leave in a hurry with Pharaoh watching. But in time Pharaoh changes his mind and mounts his army to retrieve his slaves from their march out of Egypt. As the army approaches the people are afraid and Moses tells them, “The LORD will fight for you; you have only to keep still.” Of course God did have a plan which crushed Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea. It is an amazingly small and beautiful line, you only have to keep still. Isn’t it typical when a situation becomes difficult or stressful we tend to become more active, thinking non-stop, researching, calling for help, trying extra hard to resolve our dilemma. How often do we stop and consider God? How often do we just slow down and breathe? With God we only have to keep still. God has a solution for every problem, an answer for all of our questions, assistance in just the right form. But if we don’t stop and go to God first we are relying on our own resources to solve our problem, usually the same resource that got us into the problem in the first place.

Not everything requires a miracle or overt intervention by God as in the case with the Israelites and the Egyptians at the Red Sea. But, going to God for help gives a chance for wisdom to be introduced and an appropriate solution suggested. God can be very enlightening and sometimes that is all we need. Never run into a problem when you can keep still and have God fight for you.

Do you stop, pause when something difficult is approaching in your life? Do you turn your problems over to God to solve?

Going to God for help gives a chance for wisdom to be introduced and an appropriate solution suggested. God can be very enlightening and sometimes that is all we need. Share on X

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