Romans 3:23-24 – April 23, 2019

all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God. They are justified freely by his grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus, Romans 3:23-24 NABRE     

Paul to this point has been speaking to the community in Rome about the guilt of the world. The people would do what they wanted and there was no real fear of God, or said better, no real respect for God. Now Paul changes to point out even though this is true, and all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God, God makes a way for people to be redeemed and made righteous. For all who believe in Christ will obtain righteousness, being made holy from God. God had Jesus enter humanity and live in such a way that through his life and death we might all be justified, meaning righteous and able to attain new life and a new closeness to God that was not available before Jesus. Once born into the world we are spiritually alienated from God, or the glory of divine incorruption is not available. But Jesus has made it possible for us all to be righteous, to again become members of the covenant family God has granted. This takes place by the grace given by God, through the life and death of Jesus Christ, an unmerited gift. We now have spiritual freedom to join the glory God has made available. We are no longer aliens to a relationship with God, we are citizens, with all the justification, or rights of any citizen in God’s kingdom.

Humanity has a sinful nature, one that has us thinking about ourselves first, self-centered and looking for what can we get out of something. Jesus lives that others are first, His life is for others, He comes last in His own actions. We are redeemed to be like Jesus. Citizens of God’s Kingdom, taking care of others, looking out for others, loving others. This is heaven, into which we are redeemed.

Are you close to God? Do you see grace as gift?

We now have spiritual freedom to join the glory God has made available. We are no longer aliens to a relationship with God, we are citizens, with all the justification, or rights of any citizen in God’s kingdom. Share on X

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