John 16:33 – March 21, 2019

I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world. John 16:33 NABRE     

In the section of the Gospel of John containing Chapter 16 Jesus is giving His disciples a farewell discourse. He is informing them about His future and what will come of them as well. He has informed them that when He goes they will receive the Holy Spirit who will tell them what He has heard and declare things that are coming. Jesus is thinking of two moments; before His resurrection and after His resurrection. He tells them he has guided them with figures of speech but soon everything will come to them clearly. They won’t hear about the Father through Him but they will have their own relationship with the Father who loves them because they are the image of Jesus. Jesus warns them of a time when they will scatter, leaving Him alone. But in fact Jesus can never be alone because the Father is always with Him. He closes out the discourse with the quoted verse trying to encourage them with consolation and reassurance. He tells them they will have peace in Him, the Father has given Him control of the world and he has conquered all trouble and evil in the world, so they need not fear. They will endure suffering and failure but ultimately they will be glorified as He Himself is glorified.

From this discourse from John we should get the impression that there are no surprises for Jesus. We may think what is coming is new but Jesus has conquered all that may defeat us. Our approach is trust the Holy Spirit, our Advocate and do the will of the Father. Following Jesus’ path we’ll be raised up and glorified, we are the image of Jesus. In life we must trust the Father and the Spirit.

Do you worry about the future? Have you turned your life over to God?

Following Jesus’ path we’ll be raised up and glorified, we are the image of Jesus. In life we must trust the Father and the Spirit. Share on X

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