Romans 12:2 – March 10, 2019

Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NABRE     

Paul speaks to the community in Rome about distinguishing themselves from the culture in which they live. In Paul’s day there was no spiritual identity for the people in general. This movement of Jesus was beginning a new way, and it was very different from what the people lived who were not followers of Jesus. Although today we have many countries that identify as a particular spiritual movement, in the USA we have claimed the identity of Judeo Christian. Though actually the percentage of people who practice their faith is much smaller than those who do not. Paul’s message is as necessary today as it was when Paul spoke it over two thousand years ago. A true Christian community will look very different from the culture in which it is planted. Culture admires climbing to the top, Christians are seeking the bottom. Culture respects those with the most money, Christians respect those who are the most generous. We may also notice today much of culture has slipped into our churches and our faith communities don’t look very different from our communities. We need to hear Paul, and stop conforming to the current age. We must be transformed in mind, in other words put on the mind of Christ. We should be thinking like Christ so we may know the will of the Father. Then knowing His will we live pleasing and perfect to God.

Christians should stand out, be persecuted, live for others, feel different from someone who is not a follower of Jesus. Christianity is not easy, if it is, you are not working at it hard enough. We need a new non-conforming movement.

Are you easily identified as Christian? What makes you different from your non-Christian neighbor?

Christians should stand out, be persecuted, live for others, feel different from someone who is not a follower of Jesus. Christianity is not easy, if it is, you are not working at it hard enough. Share on X

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