Proverbs 22:6 – October 22, 2018

Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it. Proverbs 22:6 NABRE     

The quoted proverb of Solomon is meant for everyone. However in his era communities where small and connected and children saw adults as someone to respect or look up to. Adults were advised to live as good role models, sharing their experience and wisdom with the young. Therefore the young may acquire a super outlook on life becoming wise. We might think times have changed and not all adults are good role models and not all young respect adults. For the follower of Jesus this cannot be a reason to become isolated and self-centered. As a disciple we are meant to be teachers regardless of our role in the church. We must share what we know with the young so they too can become wise, receiving the wisdom of our experience and the relationship with Jesus we have formed and live to share. Despite what we think Christians are being watched; more so when we don’t realize it. What we say or do reflects on our Christianity. If we share something on Social Media, the young are looking at it forming a value about us and Christ. If we care so much about our politics that we vilify those who are not like us, then what does it say about who we are as followers of Jesus? We preach love others, even our enemies, but what do our actions say?

When we speak, no matter the form, through words, actions or posts, do we do so as a representative of Jesus Christ, who wants to gather ALL people to Himself? Can people find our words on the lips of Jesus? Can our attitude be found in scripture? Do we ask what Jesus would want us to say before communicating? People learn more from Christians they know than preachers in church. What do you teach?

Are you sharing wisdom that would make Jesus proud? Do you disrespect people to defend the Word of God?

When we speak, no matter the form, through words, actions or posts, do we do so as a representative of Jesus Christ, who wants to gather ALL people to Himself? Can people find our words on the lips of Jesus? Share on X

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