Hebrews 6:10 – September 29, 2018

For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love you have demonstrated for his name by having served and continuing to serve the holy ones. Hebrews 6:10 NABRE     

The Letter to the Hebrews is intended to be delivered as spoken word, not to be read as a letter. The quoted verse is part of a long discourse that begins in 5:11 which begins with a reproach and then praises. The reproach is intended to be a message that the listener could do better, they could listen better, remembering the foundation of their belief. Once they believe, they can’t wash their hands and start over, that is, Christ cannot be recrucifed. If their efforts produces good fruit, they will get praise but if not then their reproach will continue. The text turns to praise, saying God knows perfectly well the work they have done and the love they have for fellow Christians and knows they will continue to help them. So it is a message to challenge the listener to do better but also to recognize what they are doing is very good and God knows it. We hear at times that faith alone is enough, but here the challenge is to demonstrate faith through good works. It is also praise for supporting new Christians, new followers. It is a challenge to remember where your faith has come from and then to pass that faith on through support of new converts, and continue helping fellow Christians.

This is a message to each of us. If we believe we receive a better life as a follower of Jesus, than we should want to share what we know, but more than share, we should help others become committed, educated, serving followers. This is all our responsibility, we are all called to this vision. A better life in Jesus is shared follower to follower.

Do you have the courage to share a better life with others? Can you walk with a fellow Christian as a mentor?

If we believe we receive a better life as a follower of Jesus, than we should want to share what we know, but more than share, we should help others become committed, educated, serving followers Share on X

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