1 Corinthians 13:4-5 – August 28, 2018

Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 NABRE      

Chapter thirteen of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians is one of the most popular chapters in the bible. A chapter describing a special kind of love, a love that is unselfish, benevolent, seeking nothing except a desire for the lover to receive all. This love God has for each of us, the love of a holy parent for their child. This chapter declares love is essential, virtuous and everlasting. In the quoted verse many virtues are described. Love is patient; driving your car you don’t curse the other drivers, you bear suffering with goodwill, it is not hiding anger but a genuine benevolence. Love is kind; being welcoming, hospitable, generous, it lifts the other. Love is not jealous; not wanting what someone else has but is pleased for them. Love is not pompous; it is not boastful, it is a humble heart. Love is not inflated; proud or arrogant. Love is not rude; not indecent, obscene or disrespectful. Love does not seek its own interests; it is not self-serving, it does not please itself. Love is not quick-tempered; no flying off the handle, or taking offence. Love does not brood over injury; there is no storing up of grievances, resentment, in fact it is forgiving. Jesus on the way to the cross is an example of this love.

These virtues appear too saintly for any of us to achieve. This is not true. Obtain these virtues by declaring them as a goal. Take a virtue at a time, practice it until it is a habit. Begin with patience, it is freeing to be patient. Then move to another. Living with this love makes you a little like Jesus which leads to a better life.

How do you feel when you have lost your patience? How can your practice these virtues?

Take a virtue at a time, practice it until it is a habit. Begin with patience, it is freeing to be patient. Then move to another. Living with this love makes you a little like Jesus which leads to a better life. Share on X

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