1 Samuel 16:7 – August 25, 2018

But the LORD said to Samuel: Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature, because I have rejected him. God does not see as a mortal, who sees the appearance. The LORD looks into the heart. ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭16:7‬ ‭NABRE‬‬     

The books of Samuel are historical, a view of the Hebrew people, although not in a timeline sequence, they contain stories of succession of leaders. Central to the transition from Judges who lead the people to kings, is Samuel a prophet of the LORD. Samuel selected the first kings Saul and David through God’s revealing. In book one chapter sixteen King Saul has lost favor with God and Samuel is sent to anoint a new king. Samuel meets Jesse and has him bring his sons to see which will be anointed. To Samuel each looks as thought they could be king. But Samuel judges by appearance. As each brother appears none are selected by the LORD. In King Saul’s selection his appearance influenced Samuel’s inclination for him to be king. This time the LORD says do not judge by appearance. God is interested in matters of the heart. The youngest son, who had to be summoned from the fields tending the sheep, a job given to the son who could not contribute in other areas of the work, was anointed as the next king. God does not see as human’s see. We tend to judge based on appearance and need to understand the criteria the LORD uses to select “kings” and live accordingly.

We should take care when we see others, don’t be quick to judge or discount based on appearance. It is the heart of a person that defines their character, and their character leads them to do good, love intimately, be self-sacrificing, be obedient to some transcendent truth, and have an inner soul that honors creation. These are the people we’ll enjoy being around and it should be the type of person we aspire to be.

How do you look at people? How do you see yourself?

It is the heart of a person that defines their character, and their character leads them to do good, love intimately, be self-sacrificing, be obedient to some transcendent truth, and have an inner soul that honors creation. These are… Share on X

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