Psalms 23:1-3 – August 20, 2018

The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. In green pastures he makes me lie down; to still waters he leads me; he restores my soul. He guides me along right paths for the sake of his name. Psalms 23:1-3 NABRE     

This psalm proclaims the nearness of God. The psalm is built around two images, the LORD as shepherd and the LORD as host. It is one of the most beautiful prayers in the Psalms and is one many people are familiar with, even if just vaguely. The psalm takes on even more meaning when Jesus claims He is the “Good Shepherd.” Jesus uses the Passover to host His disciples in a meal that He calls all to repeat in His name. This Eucharistic meal is a reminder that we all have hope reaching green pastures, the Kingdom of Heaven, a place full of joy and happiness. The quoted verse opens the psalm declaring immediately the LORD is my shepherd. There are many stories of shepherds and their flock in the scriptures. David the author of this psalm was himself a shepherd, a job given to him because he was the smallest of his brothers. The shepherd stays with the sheep, day and night, they are so familiar with him that when he is not present the sheep are frightened. The shepherd calls each by name and he leads them. He takes care of all they need. He brings them to green pastures for food, and quiet water for drink. With their shepherd the sheep are safe.

God our shepherd leads us to righteousness, holiness, happiness. We are secure with God, no matter what may cross our path. God comforts us. When we claim ourselves as God’s it is in His name that we are protected and loved. God lies down with us and wakes with us. There is no place we can go that God is not present. We are restored in God, we are the redeemed.

Have you had moments of feeling secure in God? Is there a time you felt refreshed in God?

When we claim ourselves as God’s it is in His name that we are protected and loved. God lies down with us and wakes with us. There is no place we can go that God is not present. We are restored in God, we are the redeemed. Share on X

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