Psalms 16:11 – August 8, 2018

You will show me the path to life, abounding joy in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever. Psalms 16:11 NABRE     

This Psalm is about a personal relationship that exists between the Lord and someone totally dedicated to Him. It begins with a plea for protection and then a realization that God is his only good, therefore he keeps the Lord constantly before him making for a good life, dedicated and secure. Nearing the end of the Psalm he declares that God will not let him be taken by death, or more specifically by the underworld. The Psalm ends with the quoted verse, dedication to God provides a life abounding joy, in God’s presence, with pleasure at God’s right hand, eternally. Some reflections look at these last two verses as a foretelling of the Messiah. In Acts it inspires Pater’s speech about Jesus resurrection. (Acts 2:29-31) For us the message of the Psalm must be a template for our life’s dedication. If we trust in God, if we dedicate our lives to God, we will be abounding in joy in God’s presence, now and forever. If we are followers of Jesus, who points us to the Father and promises a Spirit of strength, what else could be more important than dedicating our life to God? If you believe in God, creator of everything, than you should be completely dedicated to God and God’s plan for or life?

Check yourself! What are the priorities of your day? Where do you spend your time? Where do you spend your treasure? Answering these questions will reveal who or what your life is dedicated too.

@Andy_Stanley shared his “One Another” list this past Sunday; FORGIVE one another, ACCEPT one another, CARE for one another, ENCOURAGE one another, SUBMIT to one another, RESTORE one another, CARRY one another, BEAR with one another. It is a list to guide a dedicated disciple. Jesus did the list. Be Jesus for one another.

Check yourself! What are the priorities of your day? Where do you spend your time? Where do you spend your treasure? Answering these questions will reveal who or what your life is dedicated too. Share on X

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