Luke 6:31 – September 9, 2021

Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31 NABRE              

Jesus is teaching His disciples, a crowd and even gentiles some rules of good behavior, what it means to be His disciple, a Jesus follower. From all His teachings we have one that has become known as the “Golden Rule.” Do to others as you would have them do to you. It seems a low bar to aim for as a person who wants to follow Jesus’ example. In fact other places Jesus says; love your enemies, turn the other cheek, if someone asks for your coat give them your hat and gloves as well. Jesus’ entire life is an example of doing more for the other than He does for Himself. He lives a life of selfless giving and putting the other first. So this teaching known as the golden rule is very simple, in fact it should be common sense. You know what you don’t like, don’t do what you don’t like to others, they probably don’t like it either. Imagine a world where we fully live this one rule. There would be no killing, no stealing, no hate, no anger, no jealously or even hurtful pride. We would live in a world where all would be peaceful, joyful and compassion would exist for every person.

Imagine taking the golden rule further, doing extreme good for the other. I recently had a giving experience, as I came across a person seemingly homeless. Sometimes I have extra money that is a windfall. Seeing this person on the street, I thought she could use this extra money better than I. I pull my car into a drive and end up blocking her path. I see an initial reaction of fear and the desire to run. Being afraid of the stranger is more common than welcoming the stranger. We aren’t people who expect the golden rule, but we should, it really isn’t that hard to live.

Do you project the golden rule? How do you react when a stranger wants to do good for you?

Being afraid of the stranger is more common than welcoming the stranger. We aren't people who expect the golden rule, but we should, it really isn't that hard to live. Share on X

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