1 Corinthians 12:12 – September 13, 2022

As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12 NABRE

Paul understands the Christ to be absolutely everything. Jesus makes a transition from human to anointed, and Paul has said He is the first among many. Jesus’ movement to Christ is the path we are to follow, we too are to become Christ. When does it happen? Some will say at Jesus incarnation He became Christ, or perhaps at His baptism and anointing in the Jordan River with the announcement from the Father and the descending of the Spirit, still others will say that it happened at His death and resurrection. But no matter when or how, Paul is declaring we too become the Christ, made divine in the image of God. Christ includes all of us, we are united, made one with Jesus and God, a divine communion.

The journey from me to Christ is the path we are meant to take, using Jesus as the model. In Christ there are many and we each have a role, but ultimately everything is One. Paul uses the image of a body, with many parts all providing an appropriate aspect to life, but all One. We can bring this to fruition now, like Jesus it can begin at our incarnation, or at some special anointing or even our death and resurrection. Jesus is the model and we should live as He lived to bring the kingdom of God as soon as possible into all our lives.

Do you see yourself united with others or do you desire living individually? What do you think the Christ is?

The journey from me to Christ is the path we are meant to take, using Jesus as the model. In Christ there are many and we each have a role, but ultimately everything is One. Share on X

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