Matthew 23:10 – March 15, 2022

Do not be called “Master”; you have but one master, the Messiah. Matthew 23:10 NABRE                

Jesus teaches a crowd about the manner in which we should look at those who represent Him in the world. Jesus specifically addresses the religious leaders of His time, naming the Pharisees and scribes, saying, listen to what they say about the teachings of Moses, the Scriptures and what is God’s word. But, don’t do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. Jesus lists burdens these leaders put on the people but do not follow themselves, saying their works are performances. Jesus seems to want to deconstruct the temple system that has put those in power, in power and point to His teachings as a way to live a better life. Jesus says call no one Rabbi, all are brothers and sisters, call no one Father we have but one Father and call no one Master we have only one master, the Messiah.

Messiah means anointed, also called Christ coming from the Greek. Christ is not Jesus’ last name, and in life He never refers to Himself as Christ. The Christ is with God in creation and as Paul says all things were created through Him and for Him (Colossians 1:16.) Christ is with God in the beginning and today we still have Christ. Along the journey of humanity Jesus is incarnated from the Christ and becomes human, living a life meant to inspire us to follow and live the same way. In death Jesus the human ends and the Christ is resurrected. The quoted verse leads us to see Jesus telling us to let Christ be the master of our lives. Jesus expands the message of God through time and brings it to a point where we can receive Christ. We too are human and divine, though not fully divine, so Christ can be in us. Accepting Christ we live eternally united in the kingdom of God. 

Do you allow Christ to be the master of your life? Do you recognize your divinity?

Jesus expands the message of God through time and brings it to a point where we can receive Christ. We too are human and divine, though not fully divine, so Christ can be in us. Accepting Christ we live eternally united in the kingdom of God. Share on X

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