Luke 1:52 – December 22, 2021

He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly. Luke 1:52 NABRE                

Elizabeth greets Mary and honors her calling her blessed. Mary responds with a prayer, words she has prayed living a sacred life Fr om the Hebrew Scriptures. The prayer is the Magnificat. This canticle is one of several canticles Luke includes. Magnificat comes from the first word of the Latin translation, Mary magnifies God for the blessings she has received, words echoing Psalm 34:3-4. The canticle is a mechanism Luke uses to halt the action for the purpose of entering more deeply into the significance of the events being recounted. Mary’s song announces a great reversal unfolding as God raises the lowly. This reversal is seen later in the Beatitudes and woes (Luke 6:20-26) and in Jesus’ teachings, for example, “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11) This is God, humbly and with humility flipping power upside down, those seen as foolish God highlights as wise and those weak God shows as strong. The power model not helpful in God’s kingdom, fighting our way to the top has no value. God sees the lowly and reaches down to lift them up, using His power to raise the lowest. It even works for rulers, God’s kingdom has room for everyone. Those who are mighty and powerful thrown down and when ready God raises them as well.

It is appropriate that these words are on the lips of the young girl Mary, she is lowly herself and has the perfect humility to be the mother of God’s Son. Can you see this humility in all mothers? Mothers usually live to serve their children. What mother doesn’t want to do everything she can to raise up her child? God reaches for mom who grabs for her children to be lifted.

Where is your mother this Christmas? How did your mother lift you?

It is appropriate the Magnificat is on the lips of Mary, lowly and having perfect humility to be the mother of God's Son. What mother doesn't want to do everything she can to raise up her child? God reaches for mom who grabs for her children. Share on X

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