Matthew 1:18 – December 17, 2021

Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the holy Spirit. Matthew 1:18 NABRE                 

Matthew tells the story of the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. It is important to the early Christian community to tell how Mary the mother of Jesus is a special instrument of God bringing His only Son into the world. God desires we know how much He loves us, sending His Son as Redeemer. Mary, betrothed to Joseph, a type of engagement which is made formal through a ceremony and requiring a writ of divorce to terminate, is found with child through the Holy Spirit. This timing is critical because it allows Mary to declare she has not had relations with a human man and when found with child it becomes an act of faith to see God as the Father. Jesus has a divine Father and human mother. This birth narrative helps years later when Jesus is crucified and resurrected by God, an act of perfect love, declaring all humanity is loved by God who will do anything to bring humanity freedom. Jesus’ life is an example of how to live and how to put others first. God’s message is He Himself will belittle Himself to die for our salvation. Jesus, is declared God as God’s Son allows His own death so humanity knows of this great love. God will do the unimaginable that we know the fullness of His love, directed at us, His creation in such a way we may turn to God with trust and faith. 

The Christmas story is not unique, others have been declared god’s and their children gods as well. The birth story only helps the message of Jesus and His resurrection. Only God can restore life, which is what God wants us to know. 

How do you view Jesus’ birth? What would you do if you desired to demonstrate your love?

The Christmas story is not unique, others have been declared god's and their children gods as well. The birth story only helps the message of Jesus and His resurrection. Only God can restore life, which is what God wants us to know. Share on X

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