Luke 15:2 – November 4, 2021

but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:2 NABRE                

Jesus has gained a reputation as a friend of tax collectors and sinners. A Jew would keep their distance from both groups as to be sure they are not influenced or made unclean by sinners. But Jesus calls these people to change and many who come undoubtedly are moved to change. They are “sick” who “need a physician” and are among the poor, disabled, blind and lame who are invited to the banquet, which Jesus does when He eats with them. After hearing the Pharisees complain about those Jesus has become close with, Jesus tells parables of a lost sheep and a woman who loses a coin and how when the sheep and the coin are found there is rejoicing, as there will be in heaven when someone who is lost is found, someone who has left God, returns to God. Nothing is more joyful than the discovering of the lost. 

Imagine for yourself, when you lose someone or something, it is impossible to think of anything else. It is impossible to remember all you still have when one thing or person is lost. Your mind doesn’t allow any thought but the thought of finding what is lost. Jesus tells us this is how it is with God. God will leave everything to find what is lost. In the big universe, and our big world, imagine God focusing completely on one lost soul. Nothing can be more important to God than finding us when we are lost. As fellow Christians we should make it a priority in our life to help those lost see what they have lost, by being the most faithful followers of Jesus possible.

Do you know someone lost? What was it like when you were lost?

Nothing can be more important to God than finding us when we are lost. As fellow Christians we should make it a priority in our life to help those lost see what they have lost, by being the most faithful followers of Jesus possible. Share on X

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