Matthew 24:42 – August 26, 2021

Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come. Matthew 24:42 NABRE           

Jesus has been prophesying about future events but now turns His attention to urging us to be prepared for them. Jesus asserts no one has knowledge of the day of His arrival, only the Father. His arrival will bring with it judgement and an ending of things as we have known them. For some it may not be a welcome moment, for all it will certainly be a change to the status quo. Jesus illustrates the point with the story of Noah, his generation did not know God was about to pour judgement through the torrents of the flood and everyone went about their business until it was too late. Noah and his family were prepared and carried above the floods, surviving to begin anew. Jesus is saying the Son of Man will likewise come suddenly and unexpectedly, so disciples must be prepared. People must be ready, always working toward the moral good, helping others and bringing their own spiritual and moral life into alignment with Jesus’ message. Living life to have joy and pleasure is fine but if it is not supported with care and love for others we may be disappointed in our judgement.  

Often people try to predict the second coming as if knowing the mind of God is some privilege. Jesus tells us instead of trying to predict the second coming be prepared for it. The former is a waste of time and the latter an exercise in wisdom that every disciple should take to heart. Every disciple must keep awake, spiritually speaking, to secure their inheritance as sons and daughters of God. Jesus could return at any time, if now is that moment could we bear His judgement and live with the consequences or would we prefer more time to become better disciples. We have time now, use it to prepare.

Jesus wants us to be awake, are you? If today is your last day, what will you do?

Jesus could return at any time, if now is that moment could we bear His judgement and live with the consequences or would we prefer more time to become better disciples. We have time now, use it to prepare. Share on X

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