Matthew 19:30 – August 17, 2021

But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first. Matthew 19:30 NABRE           

Jesus has the opportunity to speak to those listening about the dangers of riches. Wealth can have a corrupting influence with the possibility of leading people to become greedy, stingy, reckless and overindulgent. But the true diminishment of wealth; it may lead people to depend less on God, in this case financial abundance has the potential to block the way to the kingdom of heaven. Jesus’ teaching leads His disciples to ask what will there be for us, who have given everything to follow. Jesus describes a glorious vision for the twelve apostles occupying thrones in the kingdom of heaven, rulers who will judge the twelve tribes of Israel. Jesus says everyone who has given up much for His name will receive one hundred fold and inherit eternal life. Jesus declares the standard in the kingdom of heaven is different from the standards of the world. Many who are first will be last and the last will be first. Jesus is likely talking about those in the eyes of the world who are first; the affluent, powerful and influential. This would mean the poor and underprivileged, whose dignity tends to be overlooked or denied are the last. Jesus indicates a reversal of fortunes in the kingdom of heaven, if you are privileged and live a life of pleasure in the world you will be last in the kingdom of heaven. If you struggle and always have to push yourself to make it in the world you will be first in the kingdom of heaven.

We know that Jesus will ready mansions for those He loves, perhaps there are layers of influence and nearness to God in the kingdom of heaven. If so those last will attain it first. But the good news is all will attain something in the kingdom of heaven despite our position in the world.

Are you first in the world? Do you wish to be first in heaven?

We know that Jesus will ready mansions for those He loves, perhaps there are layers of influence and nearness to God in the kingdom of heaven. If so those last will attain it first. Share on X

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