Matthew 10:39 – July 12, 2021

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Matthew 10:39 NABRE           

Jesus speaks to His disciples about the cost of discipleship, persecution and even discord in families. Jesus says He did not come to bring peace, but the sword. Jesus predicts division and disagreement, and this is ok. Jesus needs His followers to be passionate and defenders of their love for Him and others. Jesus challenges His disciples to take up their cross and follow Him. Today we see this cross metaphorically but when He spoke the cross was very real, a humiliating painful execution that the Romans administered, which was meant to send a signal to potential rebels never to revolt. Jesus is quite honest about the difficulties disciples will face in their mission and ministry. To be sure they understand it will be hard He tells them about finding and losing life. If they want to make a life for themselves in the world then that will be it for them. If they want to give themselves to God and others they will have lasting fulfillment in God’s kingdom, the fulfillment Jesus wants us to enjoy. Jesus calls disciples not to accept some of life’s little inconveniences and hardships, Jesus is calling His disciples to be willing to give up everything, even their lives if necessary to follow Him.

Any disciple of Jesus who has lived the fullness of the gospel message will tell you they have been ridiculed by family members, strangers look at them with suspicion and there is a very real chance they will suffer deeply and often. But losing a life of fulfillment in the world leads to a fulfilling life in the kingdom of God.  

Are you able to give completely to Jesus? Do you struggle with the challenge of success in the world and a desire for eternal fulfillment? 

Any disciple of Jesus who has lived the fullness of the gospel message will tell you they have been ridiculed by family members, strangers look at them with suspicion and there is a very real chance they will suffer deeply and often. Share on X

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