Mark 6:4 – July 4, 2021

Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.” Mark 6:4 NABRE           

Jesus returns to His hometown teaching in the local synagogue. He impresses but the people wonder how He could be teaching with such authority, they know Him. He is a carpenter, they know His mother and His siblings and as familiar with Him as they are, He offends them trying to teach, many might have been His teacher as He matured. Jesus has been all over the valley and everywhere He goes He inspires and impresses. But those who know Him well are not impressed, in fact they see Him not as a prophet, or messiah but as the local boy who should be using His skills to build things and support His mother and siblings. Jesus recognizes their unbelief and knows trying to be a prophet in His native place, among His own family will never work. It is interesting that Jesus sees Himself as a prophet in this scenario, in the Hebrew Scriptures prophets often suffer rejection or violence because of the unpopularity of their message. Jesus is held without honor in a community of increasing intimacy; the townspeople, His relatives and even His own household. 

Jesus rejection is symbolic of His people, those in the Jewish community and many who will bring the message of Jesus into the world over time. “He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him.” (John 1:11) The people’s unbelief will be so dire Jesus is cannot work any mighty deeds apart from curing a few sick. It is one of two places Jesus is amazed. He is amazed at the people’s lack of faith. The more we know someone, the less likely we are to believe their greatness. 

Are you seen mighty by those closest to you? Do you think miracles require faith?

Jesus rejection is symbolic of His people, those in the Jewish community and many who will bring the message of Jesus into the world over time. The more we know someone, the less likely we are to believe their greatness. Share on X

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