John 15:18 – May 8, 2021

If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. John 15:18 NABRE           

Jesus has given His disciples the instruction to love one another and then He speaks to them about the hate of the world. The world rejects what is completely good, innocent and pure. Somehow we people think something or someone more beautiful than ourselves makes us seem less beautiful, less important, less significant and therefore the righteous are often rejected. Jesus knows He is hated and He knows His disciples will be hated because of Him. His disciples will become a reminder that Jesus existed after He has been crucified and removed from the midst of the people. The hope of those wanting Jesus dead is that His disciples will scatter and his message will dissipate with them. But Jesus is aware of this plan and He warns His disciples they will be hated because of Him. He readies His disciples for a difficult journey, letting them know they will not be received well, but will be received with hatred and disgust. Jesus will provide them with the strength of the Holy Spirit but they will also have Jesus’ words to keep them strong. Jesus lives letting others know that even though He is hated, He does not deviate from His mission. He was not convinced by those with a sinful nature to do things easily, rather Jesus has the strength and vision to follow the will of the Father no matter the personal cost. 

This is what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, personal cost is irrelevant, it is the word of God that is significant. Disciples do all we can for God without being received as a hero, but we will be glorified by God if we persist through the hated and follow Jesus. 

What could turn you away from the will of God? How well do you receive criticism from others?

Disciples do all we can for God without being received as a hero, but we will be glorified by God if we persist through the hated and follow Jesus. Share on X

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