John 10:8 – April 26, 2021

All who came [before me] are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. John 10:8 NABRE           

Jesus speaking about being the Good Shepherd declares those who have come before Him were not good shepherds, they were more like thieves and robbers. These shepherds did not care for the sheep but rather took advantage of the sheep, giving themselves privilege and letting God’s flock fend for itself. In Jeremiah we read, “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the flock of my pasture” (23:1.) God will gather the flock and from the “righteous branch of David” send a shepherd who will govern wisely. Many see Jesus as this wise and righteous shepherd. It is interesting how Jesus adds that the sheep did not listen to these shepherds, and in fact in Jeremiah we have the sense that they left. People know when their leaders truly care for them and will only put up with so much poor treatment. They won’t revolt or protest, they quietly leave. This is the history Jesus witnesses, and what He points to while trying to change shepherding by being the Good Shepherd.

Jesus’ sheepfold depends on dedicated and devout believers. The Hebrew Scriptures describe a temple system, today in Christianity we have created a similar system. We know that Jesus did not mean all shepherds we robbers and thieves, but many were not good shepherds. Today we mat have the same concerns, some pastors and priests are good and others are overly influenced by the power. Today, we risk losing people who do not see the Good Shepherd represented. Jesus desires all shepherds point to the Good Shepherd, who “governs” with love and mercy, not rules and power. The church is the Body of Christ, all are critical to the body, all need to love and be loved. 

How do you see your pastor? What do you think Jesus would say today about the shepherds?

Jesus desires all shepherds point to the Good Shepherd, who 'governs' with love and mercy, not rules and power. The church is the Body of Christ, all are critical to the body, all need to love and be loved. Share on X

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