Matthew 21:43 – March 5, 2021

Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit. Matthew 21:43 NABRE           

Jesus provides a parable about wicked tenets who refuse to fulfill the agreement with the land owner, they destroy his servants and his son who come ask for the owner’s share of the produce. Jesus asks those listening, what the owner will do when he comes, their response, he will put them to a wretched death and give the vineyard to tenants who will properly provide produce. Jesus makes the parable real by declaring Himself the cornerstone to God’s Kingdom which will be taken away from those who it has been entrusted to and given to others who will produce good fruit. This declaration by Jesus incites the temple leadership who are listening to Jesus declare Himself victorious in the end, a cornerstone of a new temple, or as we might say today the head of a new ecclesia, created through Him for all. Jesus is taking away the temple from these leaders who serve themselves and do not produce fruit for God. Care of God’s Kingdom will be given to a people who will produce fruit, a new people of God, who will be the new ecclesia. Jesus is fulfilling the New Covenant, opening the Kingdom of God to all humanity, not those few chosen but for anyone who desires. It is the reason non-Jews are followers of God. Our forefathers are the Jews but we are as welcome in the kingdom as anyone one of them in history. 

This message from Jesus is used to further incite the religious leadership to seek His death. His message is a challenge to the temple system they are comfortable upholding. God knows when a system needs to change and has the power to change it. 

Do you think God is looking to change the church today? How will the church be different post COVID?

Jesus' message is a challenge to the temple system the leaders are comfortable upholding. God knows when a system needs to change and has the power to change it. Share on X

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