Mark 3:33-35 – January 26, 2021

But he said to them in reply, “Who are my mother and [my] brothers?” And looking around at those seated in the circle he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. [For] whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” Mark 3:33-35 NABRE           

There are several verses in the writing of Mark that can be interpreted as Jesus speaking about community over family. It is an indication that the kingdom of God puts all earthly ties, including familial ties, second to those who are together as followers of Jesus. Jesus family arrives where He is speaking and sends word that they are outside. This passage follows in Mark after we read His family is concerned for Him and come to seize Him (see Mark 3:21.) When told that his family is waiting outside, including His mother, Jesus interrupts what He was teaching to comment on what it means to be His family. He asks the rhetorical question who are my mother and brothers? Responding to His own question he looks around at those gathered and says the people listening and following are His family, those who do the will of God. Christians are elevated beyond earthly familial status and defined as a new kind of family, one that has God at the center and lives for one another. The absolute priority for Jesus is to please His heavenly Father, thus the only condition for entering into the family of God is to do God’s will.

If we want to be in the family of God we must do God’s will, first by knowing God’s will. This is accomplished in the passage from Mark by the people sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening. We must hear Jesus’ word and learn from Him. Then we can be Jesus’ mother, bringing Jesus into the world, letting those who know us know Jesus! 

Who are the people who are in your family? Do you listen to Jesus word?

If we want to be in the family of God we must do God's will, first by knowing God's will. We must hear Jesus' word and learn from Him. Then we can be Jesus' mother, bringing Jesus into the world, letting those who know us know Jesus! Share on X

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