Luke 4:14-15 – January 7, 2021

Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news of him spread throughout the whole region. He taught in their synagogues and was praised by all. Luke 4:14-15 NABRE           

Jesus is beginning His public ministry after a time in the dessert. Jesus again models Moses and the Hebrew people, not spending forty years in the desert, but forty days. The Jews in the wilderness are tempted, failing often, depending on God’s mercy. Jesus withstands temptation, returning from the wilderness, seeking out the local synagogue in the towns of his youth. The synagogue, unlike the temple in Jerusalem, sees a wide range of worshippers, male and female. The synagogue is a meeting house, playing a central role in Jewish life. It is a prominent public space in the Jewish communities’ and tended to be the largest and most prominent building, located in the center of the town or village. Virtually anyone could hold a leadership position in the synagogue, functions are not restricted to a specific socioreligious group. Jesus enters the synagogue reading scripture from the scroll of Isaiah and declaring the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled in their hearing. Jesus is the one sent, the anointed and He teaches in synagogues being praised by all. We can imagine how charismatic Jesus must have been and becomes known for healing many, people are drawn to him. Jesus comes to assist the poor, captives, the blind and oppressed and He does so physically and spiritually. Jesus near the end of His ministry declares He has accomplished all the work of God, His Father, has sent Him to accomplish (see John 17:4)

From beginning of His life to the end and beyond Jesus glorifies God and challenges us to do the same. We can do what Jesus has done, it only requires we are willing. 

Do you seek the glory of God? Are you actively in ministry?

From beginning of His life to the end and beyond Jesus glorifies God and challenges us to do the same. We can do what Jesus has done, it only requires we are willing. Share on X 

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