2 Timothy 2:15 – September 23, 2020

Be eager to present yourself as acceptable to God, a workman who causes no disgrace, imparting the word of truth without deviation. 2 Timothy 2:15 NABRE           

Paul provides instructions to be given to the faithful and personal advice to Timothy his coworker in Ephesus. One of the important tasks of the pastor is to remind the people of the great truths of salvation. Paul is addressing “these things” here. In Ephesus these things are apparently being neglected in favor of uselessly disputing about words. The people are having speculative discussions that harm rather than build up the faith. The argument includes cleverness or eloquence rather than substantive truth. Paul in advising Timothy understands that sometimes rhetoric will entice but in time the authentic gospel embodied and real in Timothy will be more persuasive. So Paul advises Timothy to present himself as acceptable to God, rather than before others, it is fidelity to God that must come first, no matter what others may think. Timothy as a minister of God is a “workman” whose competence and uprightness must be such that he need never be questioned. His primary role is to dispense the word of truth, the gospel. The word is put into Timothy’s hands to handle rightly. He is to remain straight, like a farmer plowing his field. Doing so will serve as God intended and desires. The word of God deserves the best service humanly possible.

Scripture and religious beliefs can offer many opportunities for deep passionate argument and debate. But debate which may be fun, often times creates division. As disciples of Jesus we are tasked with creating disciples not division. If you find yourself needing to push quite hard on another to convince them of the truth it might be best to step back, reveal yourself acceptable to God. 

Do you use words to share the gospel? Does your life support your words?

If you find yourself needing to push quite hard on another to convince them of the truth it might be best to step back, reveal yourself acceptable to God. Share on X

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