1 Corinthians 12:25-27 – August 30, 2020

so that there may be no division in the body, but that the parts may have the same concern for one another. If [one] part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy. Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it. 1 Corinthians 12:25-27 NABRE            

Paul is writing about the gifts of each person and making the point that all gifts are necessary. Though some may appear to have a more prestigious position, Paul will eventually say it is actually the weakest who are more honored and most necessary. So Paul using the Body as a metaphor for the Body of Christ is writing that there should be no division, all parts of the body should have the same concern for one another. This truly is the message of Jesus’ followers, caring and loving one another is not a hierarchy, rather we should love and care for each other in the same way. And if one part suffers all suffer with it, if one part is honored all parts share the joy. We cannot succeed alone, we succeed as one or none succeed, we rejoice as one or none rejoice, we suffer as one, no one suffers alone. We are all in Christ, part of Christ’s body, yes individuals with specific roles and tasks, all necessary. In fact we will learn from Paul it is these who are most needy who allow us to help them, thus we are needed. If we are ready to lift up the lowest, we are mimicking Christ on the cross who lifted us all up. Christians desire all be joyful, all suffering is helped and all who are honored share their honor with all.

You are an important part of the Body of Christ, whether you do much or have a small role; what you do is necessary and God will guide you through all you do. Mother Theresa said; we all must do small things with great love. Loving is most important!

Are you on the Jesus team? Do you live humbly walking softly?

You are an important part of the Body of Christ, whether you do much or have a small role; what you do is necessary and God will guide you through all you do. Share on X

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