Matthew 11:29 – August 11, 2020

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. Matthew 11:29 NABRE           

Jesus has been speaking to His Father and shifts to speak to the potential disciples who have a chance to hear His words. Jesus invites us to come to Him. He invites us into a personal and rewarding relationship with Him. If we answer Jesus’ call there will be burdens, but He will offer us spiritual rest. The invitation includes a summons to bear the yoke of Jesus. In biblical language a yoke is often a metaphor for religious instruction, it could represent a commandment or perhaps it is to follow the counsel of some divine Wisdom that guides us to a pious life. Jesus is inviting us to submit ourselves to His instruction. We are to not only to learn from Jesus but we are to imitate His life. In Jesus the message and the messenger are the same. Jesus is meek and humble of heart and so is the word He preaches. Nothing is forced or demanded, everything is an invitation and accepting the invitation we find rest. Jesus tells us that His yoke is easy and His burden light, because we will never have to do it alone. We will always have the Spirit dwelling in us, and the strength of a community lead by Jesus to aid in the workload. No one who is a disciple of Jesus is ever expected to do it all alone, or are we expected to do everything ourselves. Jesus makes the burden light by calling many and always responding Himself.

Jesus is humble and meek, He has strength but is not over powering, His invitation is gentle and comes with a desire to improve all those who respond. Join the Jesus team, say yes to the invitation and be joy filled in your burden and light hearted in your success. 

Have you heard the invitation of Jesus? What is your response to His call to come?

Join the Jesus team, say yes to the invitation and be joy filled in your burden and light hearted in your success. Share on X

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