Matthew 7:14 – June 23, 2020

How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few. Matthew 7:14 NABRE           

Jesus exhorts listeners to choose carefully the choices made in life, whatever we choose has consequences. Jesus is describing a narrow gate and a constricted road leading to life. There are other roads and gates looking promising but it is the narrow gate and constricted road Jesus wants us to choose to obtain life. The road constricted and the narrow gate require a concerted effort. Many think God is so merciful that bad choices are overlooked. Jesus is soberly indicating that few will find the way. This path Jesus describes requires a great deal of discipline and attention to Jesus’ teaching. Many will seek the broad gate and a road easy to travel. Access will be easy and travel on this path will be chosen by many. But Jesus is warning us against the currents of a sinful and selfish world that would carry us away from the kingdom of God that is especially prepared for followers of Jesus.

This is a surprising verse as it indicates few will find the way. The world claims approximately two billion Christians. With a world population moving toward eight billion people this is much more than a few, it is almost a quarter of the people. Perhaps self-declaring Christianity is not enough, saying I am follower needs to be followed-up with action and correctly choosing finely developed choices. It is not enough to feed the hungry once in a while, it is not enough to visit the prisoner once in a while, it is not enough to give clothing to the naked once in a while and on and on. Jesus wants our commitment, He wants our actions to actually change people’s lives, not provide some small aid. Jesus asks us to do something hard, getting through the narrow gate won’t be easy. 

What is your path?  How do you follow Jesus?

Jesus wants our commitment, He wants our actions to actually change people's lives, not provide some small aid. Jesus asks us to do something hard, getting through the narrow gate won’t be easy. Share on X

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