James 3:17 – May 19, 2020

But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity. James 3:17 NABRE           

James is speaking in his letter to the community about what makes a person wise. He describes failed wisdom as that wisdom that comes from the world, which includes bitter jealousy and selfish ambition, traits that lead to disorder and foul practice. James says the wisdom from above is pure, meaning it is actively unstained by the world, to be pure is to be wholly aligned with God, seeking intimacy with God and living according to God’s will, following his commandments, particularly to love. Once noting purity James goes on to describe this wisdom as peaceable, compliant, merciful and bearing good fruit, with sincerity and consistently. With these virtues a person is show as open to others and ready to yield their preferences. Being gentle creates peace and goodwill. Mercy is a readiness to show compassion and forgiveness, good fruits actively create compassion. James adds this sincerity and constancy as a way of saying it is built into the character of a person. Someone with these characteristics can be depended upon, they are steady, constant and trustworthy. A person who has these virtues and behaviors are people of wisdom, true wisdom from above, aided by the grace of God and strengthen by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We should aspire to true wisdom, leading to decisions and developing good character. We see more and more people who lead looking out for themselves, selfishly living. God leads us to living for others as a means to joy and happiness. Selfishness leads to a lonely, unhappy life. Wisdom from God widens our circle of friends and loved ones, true treasures we should all desire. 

Do you seek wisdom? Are you able to put others first?

We should aspire to true wisdom, leading to decisions and developing good character. Wisdom from God widens our circle of friends and loved ones, true treasures we should all desire. Share on X

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